The Magazine

Good Pussy Bad Pussy

"Good Pussy Bad Pussy" is a page-turning combination of erotic romance, sexual thriller and modern love story. We have conducted an interview with the author Amy Aimee.

How did you decide on the title for this sexual thriller? In the process, were there other variations being considered?
The title – “Good Pussy Bad Pussy” – grew out of the story. It’s just the perfect description of the conflicts and dilemmas the heroine (Rachel) feels and experiences.

I find the title very effective and also provocative. Why did you finally choose the word 'Pussy' to be used (and twice)? Wouldn't you consider it "a vulgar slang" thus making it a taboo to be on the title?
Thanks, I’m glad you like the title and yes “Pussy” might be considered a vulgar word by some, but then again so many of us have such crazy, screwy, unhealthy ideas about our bodies and our wonderful sexuality that I thought it was a good idea to use the word. Just to be a little provocative as you say. And also because the heroine, Rachel, is such a sweetheart – really she is. And here’s the rub: Even though she is such a sweetheart – she’s also got very strong sexual desires – so again the conflicts and dilemmas she faces in the book. Yes she’s a sexy sweetheart!

This story is about Rachel, so did you craft this character 'Rachel' or rather you know the "male characters" in the story? Do you consider "Stefan, Albert and Howard" the fantasies and sexual sophistication of today's women?
It didn’t happen like that. The characters both male and female in the book gave me a chance to explore some of the themes I wanted to write about. In brief, I wanted to write about orgasm as the ultimate surrender which leads to this amazing feeling of blissfulness and then I wanted to add to this an exploration of the conundrum that arises if we have reached this blissful state of complete surrender in and through situations (and/or with people) that we don’t particularly like or find acceptable. In other words, what happens when the body experiences one thing while the mind is screaming something else? What happens then? Where does this leave us and what does it do to us? And how can we live with this – both on a personal and social level? It’s a conundrum many people face.

Sex is such a powerful drive and it is always seeking expression. And for so many of us, this drive gets blocked or pinched off or twisted because of the massive social programming we all receive from day one that is telling us what is OK sexually and what is not. And even though today there are more and more people who are sexually freer than ever before in human history, the reality is that most people are still so limited in their sexual expression and in their ability to joyfully experience sex and orgasm as a portal to the divine.

So I wanted to write about a woman who allowed herself to go beyond what is normally acceptable for married women and who discovered and experienced amazing orgasmic release in ways which both shocked and surprised her. So this is the story of a woman who discovered that her body could respond in one way even if her mind was screaming something else. Hence the title – Good Pussy Bad Pussy.

I also wanted to write about a woman who wasn’t so hung up as most women are today with the ownership of a partner. I wanted to portray a woman who was free and open even if she was confused and insecure. I wanted to see where this would take her and what would happen to her… especially because it seems to me that so many people today who are in couple relationships are so limited and conventional in terms of their relationships and sexuality. All of which can make it very difficult for us to find the ecstatic release that we are seeking…

Other than sexual thriller and erotic romance, do you write in other genres? Please tell us more about your writing journey as an erotic story teller, for example, if you have writer's block (at all?) or the opposite (ideas overflow)? How you deal with it?

I am an international author with many books published in many languages under different names. And no, I don’t have writer’s block – I never have. In fact, I’m almost finished with the sequel “Good Pussy Bad Pussy book 2” which is even better than the first book! So you can look forward to more of Rachel’s adventures!

What is your favourite quote about sex?
My favourites change all the time, but at the moment I really like this one: “Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go it’s pretty damn good.” Woody Allen

If our readers want to read more about you or your future books, where can they find you? 
First let me say thanks so much for giving me a chance to talk about my work here with you! 
For more, readers can find me and my books here: 

1 comment:

  1. "Wouldn't you consider [the word "pussy"] "a vulgar slang" thus making it a taboo to be on the title?"

    Actually, I was thinking of CATS when I read the title and did not feel provoked at all. Funny how misconceptions go.

    As for the content of the book as described in the interview, it reminds me of that other book that went through the roof of the sales charts here in Germany the other day (couple of years back). Especially the notion that

    "so many of us have such crazy, screwy, unhealthy ideas about our bodies and our wonderful sexuality".

    Only my associations, of course. However, that this book was a hit might bode well for Mrs. Aimee's book. I likely won't read either, since I prefer books about cats :).


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